Heart and circulatory diseases affect millions of people in the UK. Some of these conditions are a result of inherited risk factors, others are determined by lifestyle and behaviours, and many are influenced by an interplay of both genetics and the environment.
Imperial College AHSC draws on the strengths of the scientific community at Imperial, through the National Heart and Lung Institute, the School of Public Health, the MRC Laboratory of Medical Sciences (LMS) and the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Engineering to understand the causes and biological processes involved in cardiovascular diseases and then to develop new diagnostic tools and treatments. Our multidisciplinary research programmes are supported through:
- Imperial British Heart Foundation (BHF) Centre of Research Excellence
- Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science
- Imperial Centre for Cardiac Engineering
Laboratory-based discovery science, developed from within the partnership and externally, is translated into clinical applications via access to research facilities at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust through the NIHR Imperial and the Biomedical Research Centre. The partnership hosts a large portfolio of clinical trials evaluating promising new diagnostics, devices and drugs for the North West London population and beyond.