About this site

This website was launched on 9 August 2013 following a rebranding exercise for Imperial College AHSC. This site is coordinated by Imperial College London and therefore follows the organisation’s terms and conditions.


We are committed to designing our sites, zones, components and applications in accordance with the W3-WAI standards and the Web accessibility requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Our aim is that pages comply with W3-WAI Web Accessibility Triple A rating wherever possible, and normally Double-A.


Imperial College AHSC has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that pages published on its website are accurate.

Where the AHSC’s website contains links to third party websites, these links are used to provide further information and are not intended to signify endorsements of these websites and/or their content.  Imperial has no control over the contents of these sites and accepts no responsibility for the sites for any loss or damage which may result from your use of them.

To view our detailed terms and conditions, please visit here.

Contact us

For queries regarding privacy, use of cookies or other information please contact the privacy team at Imperial College London at dpo@imperial.ac.uk.